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Earth Observation Research Cluster



at the University of Würzburg, Germany

The Earth Observation Research Cluster is a joint initiative of the Remote Sensing Departments at the University of Würzburg.

The professorships within the Department of Remote Sensing and the Department of Urban Remote Sensing including their staff members and our international EAGLE students are part of the Earth Observation Research Cluster in North Bavaria.

The EO hub is conducting multi-scale and multi-temporal Earth Observation analysis using a variety of sensors from space-borne to air-borne. Teaching and capacity building of Earth Observation topics is another focus of our activities.

The EO research cluster at JMU has an institutional collaboration with the Earth Observation Center at DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Munich and various collaborations within the University of Würzburg  as well as on national and international levels.

Space-Borne Earth Observation

Environmental Change

various active and passive space-borne earth observation data is used for diverse environmental research topics. Global Change analysis is a key earth observation application in order to monitor and understand the ongoing challenges on our planet.

Environmental Monitoring

various ecosystem are monitored concerning their environmental status and changes – from coastal to forest, from african savannas to european agriculture. Continuous acquisition of environmental information is feasible with remote sensing and provides insights into spatio-temporal patterns.

Urban Monitoring

The future of Earth observation is transforming data into geo-spatial insights. Only when images are used to generate geo-information, complex challenges of mankind can be analyzed spatially. In this context, the remote sensing hub at the University of Würzburg focuses e.g. on the topic of “global urbanization”. Especially because people are in motion and migrate from rural areas to cities, this aspect of global change is crucial for our society

Geospatial Insights

Remote Sensing has the advantage of a large variety of different acquisition systems, data types for the derivation of geospatial insights. But only through the technical and thematic processing of satellite imagery spatial information and notions such as e.g. growth patterns or morphologic organization of cities can be generated. Furthermore, additional insights can be generated integrating auxiliary data such as statistical, demographic, socio-economic, engineering etc. data. Thus, a global, multidisciplinary view on the “system city” can be generated.

Air-borne Earth Observation

Earth Observation Research in Challenging Environments

air-borne remote sensing sensory on UAS systems are applied in diverse ecosystems for deriving needed small scale environmental properties as well as for the development of new methods.
We apply data acquired from various sensors for different fields of application, from forest, conservation, ecology to urban sciences.

UAS based systems

Various multispectral, thermal and Lidar sensors are used on our UAS to monitor ecosystems for various topics: from agroecosystems to Nationalparks, from montane forests to rock formation.

Very High resolution Image Acquisition

Different systems are used for very high resolution landscape monitoring within various projects for analyzing landscape conditions.

Earth Observation Training

international M.Sc. program

Within our international EAGLE M.Sc. program at the University of Wuerzburg we cover the variety of Earth Observation applications for our living environment.

GeoSens professional training

Within our professional training activity “GeoSens” we cover different aspects of Earth Observation methods and applications for specific professionals already working in different fields.

UAS Training

Earth Observation training is covered by various activities. Professional trainings and M.Sc. level teaching is part of our activity.

Field Work

in-situ data collection

Various expeditions for field work are done by our members, ranging from Alaska to Patagonia to South- or Westafrica or Europe.
Field work aiming at collection relevant in-situ data for further Earth Observation based analysis such as landcover and landcover change.

Diverse Field Work Locations

Various ecosystems are part of our ongoing projects from Artic permafrost to African savannas

Application of divers methods

Various methods are applied to collect in-situ data – from hand-held devices to UAS based systems equiped with various measurement devices or optical sensors for the respective information needed.

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